I've been tagged by my friend
Pagu. so i edited his work hahahaha :)
here the rules:
once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note, with 25 list of anything random about you. It can be a fact, a habit, a goal, or just anything else under the sun. Next, tag 5 people you want to know more, plus the person who tagged you. Game? Here goes mine..
uno. snow white
tres. NOT an animal lover!
cuatro. i studied at the university of santo tomas
cinco. bs psychology ☺
seis. 6 is my favorite number
siete. make-up
ocho. contact lens
nueve. doll shoes
diez. malanding sandals
once. fb, twitter addict
doce. foods, foods, FOODS!
trece. dark chocolates
catorce. artificial chocolate FLAVOR is a no no!
quince. comfortable clothes
diez y seis. earrings
diez y siete. nail biting
diez y ocho. bloody red nail polish
diez y nueve. cellulite
veinte. fats
veinte y uno. constipated
veinte y dos. will sing rather than dance
veinte y tres. very shy (but not really obvious according to my friends)
veinte y cuatro. i'm currently employed at accenture
veinte y cinco. introvert-trained-extrovert
here you go. 25 random things about myself. thank you
pagu for tagging me. i will not tag anybody hahaha :P